Fort Lewis Lodge Reservation


Thank you so much for joining us for our wedding weekend at Fort Lewis Lodge, a family-owned resort style ranch in the mountains of Central Virginia.

We're delighted to have family and friends from near and far coming to our wedding. To assist with accommodations, we've made an all-inclusive style arrangement with Fort Lewis Lodge so that all of our guests can stay in one place.

Pricing for the weekend is $225/person and includes:

  • A three day, two night stay at Fort Lewis Lodge

  • All meals throughout your stay

  • Access to on-site activities such as kayaking, hiking, biking, and more

We kindly ask that you RSVP and reserve your room by May 1. Thank you!

Note: if you are reserving for yourself and other guests, please adjust the “number of guests” to reflect the number of guests you are booking for.
